Crystal House
Softness of contrasts
Anastasia Reznikova
Author and chief architect of the project.
Author’s supervision
300 м2
A big businessman and his wife without children living on 2 countries
  • preliminary design
  • working engineering and technical documentation (complete album of drawings for builders)
  • photorealistic renderings
  • printing
CEO. Management and control of execution:
  • construction process
  • technical supervision
  • logistics
  • object equipment
When we started working on the project, we immersed ourselves in the basic idea of creating a "home" as the beginning of all beginnings, a single and integral space that is an enveloping energy cocoon for its inhabitants, a place of strength and comfort, to which one always wants to return after working days. A house that fills its inhabitants with the energy of warmth and light, while involving them in a profound game of contrasts of emotions and feelings.

At the same time the interior should reflect the nobility and style of boutique hotels, be technically equipped according to the latest advanced technologies with the use of automated lighting and house management systems, without disturbing the visual balance and harmony of perception of the integrity of space, acting as those interior details that give it completeness and individuality and remain relevant for many years.

Visual appearance of the room should emphasize the primordiality of natural elements as sources of favorable effects on the mental and physical body of man. To remind in details about the essence and uniqueness of each person.

We tried to create a unified composition of the entire interior, effectively using the available space, applying the laws of color, light, combination of materials and accents, thus giving it individuality.
The heart of the interior is the peaceful ambience of the house, which is included in an interesting game of contrasts of colors, shapes and materials.

Before entering the apartment, its inhabitants have their own private elevator lobby, which only the residents of this wonderful apartment have access to, which is one of its peculiarities.

Competent zoning of the space from the entrance is decided in such a way that at the entrance to the apartment we get into a fairly wide corridor, on the walls of which falls warm light because of the ceiling niches, equipped not with LED strips, and light optics, which leaves soft light stretching, which visually makes the corridor wider and already from the entrance sets the atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

For the corridor, as well as for the individual hall with elevators, a velvety tone of black was chosen, which is made in a special technique of applying paint to the surface, so that there were no streaks and spots on the light. In this way, the effect was achieved when the black color does not press and literally disappears from the field of vision, creating an all-consuming, mysterious effect of boundless space.
The black ceiling in this area is in soft contrast to the beige linen wallpaper.
Together with the soft lighting from the ceiling niches in the corridor creates an overpowering mysterious atmosphere that envelops whoever passes through it. The corridor connects the entrance area and the living room area, when passing through it, we can observe the game of architectural contrasts due to the different levels and colors of the ceiling, where it is lowered relative to the rest of the rooms (all communications are hidden behind it) and emphasizes the volume and light of the kitchen-living room, which we enter from the corridor. Walking along the corridor, a person as if makes a profound transition from everyday life, which remained behind the door, to his warm inner space, filled with light, warmth, energy to restore his inner strength.

In the dining room we can see a large dining group with a concise kitchen with plenty of storage, integrated into the body of the whole space, rather than being a separate independent element.

The private bedroom area is hidden from public view.
The unity of the space composition is achieved by using the same wall coverings for all rooms — beige textile linen wallpaper; and the floor — German parquet Schotten & Hansen with its warm oyster shade. This, in turn, is accentuated by the individually selected furniture and architectural units. This is also achieved through the use of identical architectural techniques and forms, such as, for example, identical doors.

The integrity of space is formed by the unity of composition, purity of lines, shapes and planes (for example, recessed floor heating convectors form a single plane with the floor and do not stand out in separate elements) and is manifested in the fact that no surface, plane does not cut into another, which is achieved through the use of shadow gaps, hidden skirting boards, corners are deduced and reinforced with brass strips and connected to a hidden skirting board.
The emphasis is on the details, on the combination of materials, such as brass in the wall finish and metal in the cabinet finish, fine natural linen in the finish and black lacquered surface of the doors. The furniture itself is also an accent against the beige linen textile wallpaper.

The small number of accessories on the open shelving units in the living room are reflected in the corridor mirrors, giving the space personality and finality without overwhelming it.
The architectural knots also work for this, which will be noticed by connoisseurs of true quality and status brands like Schotten & Hansen, Boffi and Cea.
Due to the game of contrasts in the color of the ceiling of the corridor and the living room, the difference in ceiling levels of these areas, the contrast of materials and colors of coatings of walls, ceiling and furniture, we gave the interior an individuality and made it "tasty", where the accents are the furniture itself on the soft and warm background of the space itself.
The interior turned out to be modern, laconic, as in good expensive hotels, and technically equipped with everything necessary for ease of use, with little noticeable technical elements, because everything is automated and all communications are hidden with the help of competent architectural solutions. At the same time, it preserves the coziness and warmth of the house due to the use of linen textures and textures in the finishing of walls and furniture, a combination of wooden surfaces in warm shades, soft furniture and properly planned living space.
NExt Project